“Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! I enjoyed seeing my voice through a different perspective. I will use this every day.”
“The workshop was excellent. Very powerful and will be immediately useful in my work.”
“The workshop was lots of fun. You brought understanding to something I never considered before. ”
“I liked that the workshop was so interactive, there’s a big difference between mental understanding and doing something yourself,”
“I loved the physical and experiential aspect of the workshop”
In person and online
Vocal Presence I
The foundational workshop on the link between your voice and your influence in the world. Speak with power, ease, and awareness to expand your expressive range.
Topics include
• Energetic resonance of sound
• Vocal anatomy
• Power source and breath
• 5 elements of tone and resonance
• Caring for your voice
• Take home exercises for vocal ease and continuing growth
Sign up here
Vocal Presence II
This is a follow up from Vocal Presence I for those who want to dive deeper. Limited to 6 people and tailored to the needs of each participant.
Sign up here
Vocal Presence and Kundalini yoga
Voice can be a doorway to awareness and connection. We focus on the link between voice, body, and inner self. Vocal explorations are interspersed with mantra chanting and Kundalini yoga kriyas (movements). Open to all, no experience necessary. Co-taught with Daya Kaur, certified KRI teacher and teacher trainer.
The Sound and The Silence
Voice is a portal to interior awareness, deep listening, and vibrant presence. We focus on voice as practice. Includes movement, creating new sounds, and exploring the field of energetic and harmonic resonance we create when singing and sounding together.
Sign up here
For Yoga Teachers
Special workshops customized for the needs of yoga teachers.
See more here
Private Vocal Coaching
One on One coaching to address specific needs and expand your vocal abilities. Available online or in person.
contact Jennifer
Custom Workshops
Let’s discuss what your group needs and Jennifer will design a custom workshop.